31 May, 2005

Dogs and Cats (the truth about them)

¡Hola! ¿Cómo estan? That´s "Hi! How are you?" Really folks, you´ve got to learn the language. Sometimes even that is not enough, though. Like yesterday, for example, my roommates and I were looking on our part of the city (which is over a river, but not through a woods) for an internet cafe. Most houses don´t have internet access so you have to pay for it elsewhere. So, we walked and finally asked an older gentleman who was just standing near a park but not in it. ¿Dónde esta un café por internet? He began to speak in a bit of mumbled spanish and I ended up asking him what he was saying several times. Eventually, we thought we understood so we thanked him and left. We got to where he pointed us to and it was definently a bar. Not an internet cafe. So, lesson number one: know thy audience. Lesson number two: make sure that your "audience" is young enough to know what the internet is. Pictures are coming for those of you who crave visual simulation. Granada is a beautiful city with lots of history. Tidbit: Granada was the last Arabic stronghold in Spain after the moors took over in the 1700s and the christians decided to reconquer it. So, there is a lot of Arabic influence in the Architecture, the fashion and the food. My house is located in a cool district that leads into the mountains. The family is three daughters, a mom, a dad, the abuela (grandmother- no teeth and bad knees but she is so cool.) and then three dogs and three cats. We also have two professors from South Dakota staying with us. The animals like to be under your feet when you are sitting and or eating and they shed everywhere. Peaces to you chicos y chicas. Hasta.


thomas said...

hey sis. yeah, the internet café thing was difficult here in lisboa as well. are you getting sick or anything from all the cat hair flying around?

and what is it with these iberian people and bad knees? everywhere you look there are geriatrics walking in extra slow motion. it seems that walking that slow would be more difficult than walking a normal pace. speed up old people. no, but really i love the fogies.

Anonymous said...

hey laura!!
i think this is how you leave a note...i hope you are enjoying yourself even more than you imagined you could possibly enjoy yourself...things are fine over at the hoe...missing the rest of our sissies, thats all! i think tessa comes home for good today or tommorow. Sarah number 2 is cool (she walks around in her panties a lot too)...well, talk to you later! have fun!--Jamie

Laura said...

i´m in the south dave. The map is there for a reason. GRANADA. The only time I´ll have to look out for those basques is if we go to the tour de france in the pyrenees.

Anonymous said...

hey sis!!!
i miss u soooooo sooooo much! its so hot here. its like camping but in as few clothes as possibal and no bug spray! i got u a prize from cali! so how hot are the boys there? and have u gone to a topless beach yet?

Laura said...

Tessa! Did you survive cali. YOu didn´t move there huh? I know it´s hot. It is here too except at night and minus most of the humidity. I´ve gotten tan because it is sunny from 7:30am until 10:00p and we are outside most of the time. THe boys are ok. Like anywhere else-the only ones who try to get my attention try to do that from a vespa or by whistling at me (sometimes hissing). I´ve met some very nice people though as well and a few cute guys. I´m not coming home with one though, you know that. I went to a beach yesterday that had a few topless people on it. Of course, they should´ve dissmissed that notion as soon as it entered their heads.