17 September, 2005

In protest of X

Amazing what kinds of things the symphony makes you think of. I love it for that reason. Good orchestral compositions transcend a mere appreciation or enjoyment of the music itself. It goes much farther, for me, to the point where you are elevated to a much higher level. It takes you to a place of memories and ideas and free thought flies around and you just grab it out of the trees like a leaf. It sounds like I am smoking pot, I know, but hear me out. By the way, I'm not, never have. Take, for example, tonight: approximately 2 pages into the "Moon Reflected on the Second Spring" by Hua Yanjun, I began to ponder. Do we really need the letter X in the alphabet? It serves no purpose except for the silent decoration of French words and the notorious copying of the sound of the letter Z. Which brings up another point: Is it really X that needs to go or Z? If I had to make that decision, I would probably choose X. X is just the cooler of the two letters. Z is a bit choppy and takes a good three strokes to finish (for the sake of argument let's forget that cursive exists) and just when you are gaining momentum you have to change direction. X is two strokes and you can make the last one as strong as your pen desires. ...Or your sword. What if Zorro had been spelled Xorro? He would have had momentum on the second sword swipe and seriously doubt that other guy would've come back for more. Also, much cooler scar. To sum up, I move that we petition for the removal of X or Z (pick your favorite to keep) from the alphabet. 25 letters would suffice...no one ever remembers if there are 26 or 28 letters anyway.

15 September, 2005

I've got a crush...

As i was leaving work the other day after a long day at school and the LSU student media advertising offices (yay,yay) I had a strange and wonderful feeling of infatuation. I flung my bags over my shoulder and headed out of the "basement" where i had been with a computer and phone and stressful deadlines. As soon as I hit the air outside with the pre-sunset glow in the sky and a breeze that blew light and free, a bit unusual compared to the weather we have had lately, my heart fluttered. It was then that I realized, I have a crush. I have a full blown infatuation. This fondness is an amazing, fun, incredible, enlightening thing. You may ask, who is this? do i know him? yes you do. Depending on your level of involvement you may know him very well, or you may have only heard of him. His name is Free Time. YES! I have a crush on free time. The kind of free time that you know can fill with tons of things or nothing and it doesn't matter, cause it's FREE. It's mine and it's free. And I don't care who knows it...Free Time is mine. Shout it from the rooftops.